Friday, May 20, 2011

Insurance Company Advertising

Insurance is not sexy. In fact, it is as boring as it gets; you hedge your future risks and pay large sums of money. The insurance business is a very crowded, competitive market with many companies offering the same service; yet, the advertising makes it seem like a buffet of services. The advertising covers just about every approach in the books because each group has carved out their niche. Of the many insurance companies, the main players that are leading the industry are: All State, GEICO, Farmers, Progressive, State Farm, and Esurance. Every consumer demographic is represented. Some of the best, and worst, ad campaigns have been the result of the intense battle. Who is doing the best? I think it looks like this:

1. All State 
They get the best ranking because of their use of targeting and creativity. They currently run two main campaigns, "Mayhem" and "Are you in Good Hands?". The comforting voice of Dennis Haysbert sells reassurance and safety. It isn't flashy, but neither is his target market; it is effective though.
Mayhem will be in the advertising books for best campaigns of the century. Personifying hazards is one of the most creative and catchy ways to bring the all state name into your everyday life. The campaign leaves you wanting to see how much worse life can be. It also directly jabs at the competition without indirectly selling their company. Keep them coming.


A Gecko with an English accent, ever watching cash, cavemen, and the near movie trailer stories are why GEICO ranks number 2.  GEICO is about icon building. They break the rules by having many mascots, but each is memorable and targeted at different groups.They each use comedy, as well as deliver the serious message about saving money with any one of the icons you go with. For using so many approaches in one company, that earns them second place.

3. State Farm
The subtle use of magic and a jingle that has stood the test of time earn them the number three spot. No frills, but the jingle stands out in your memory with the message of being a good neighbor. 

4. Farmers
The Farmers' University ads are annoying, but leave you feeling educated about their offerings. They are bordering boring, but the message is effective.  However, their jingle is awful and needs to go.

5. Progressive

No. Why would you choose to model your ad spokeswoman off of the movie "JUNO"? I hate cannot stand these ads; they actually make me mad. While the spokeswoman does stand out, the message of what they are selling is lost. The ads would rather emphasize the zany ramblings of the horribly annoying woman than anything else. I don't want to even talk about her any more, they need to stop the campaign though. Targeting such a small group of wanna be hipster/ art / JUNO crowd is a highly questionable move. 
6. Esurance 

Esuck. How could an insurance ad be worse than FLO from progressive you ask? Stealing. They thought it was a good idea to actually steal the idea of FLO, enough said.  Let's not forget those terrible cartoon based super fail cartoon ads from a few years ago. There's strikes 2 and 3 right there. JUNO sucked and probably 1% of the people who saw it liked that girl; why are you perpetuating it? I cannot wait to never see their ads again.

1 comment:

  1. Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.
