Monday, May 28, 2012

Pinterest Marketing

Pinterest has radipdly grown to be the third most popular social networking site and better at driving traffic than Google+, LinkedIn and YouTube combined. What's more interesting about Pinterest is that it is still an invitation only website. This has some serious possibilities for marketers.

Pinterest is not the same as your other social sites. There are a few tips to follow when launching your boards.

1. Tell the visual story of your brand. What is your brand interested in and what supports it?

2. Link content from your site to drive traffic and gain exposure from your other efforts.

3. Create original content. Original content designed for re-pinning will help your pins spread further while avoiding a copyright infringement.

3. Be careful who you re-pin from. The legal ramifications could be ugly, so be careful when repining.

4. This is a great tool to gain an insight on your customer.

5. Have fun with it.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How to get an internship in Advertising

I have some advice for landing your dream job. I finally got an internship at my dream ad agency and wanted to give you some tips that I learned.

You need a portfolio. Show what you have created. It can be school projects, spec campaigns, and any other work that shows that you know what you're doing. Put your portfolio online and always include the link with your application.

Network. Get out there and meet as many people as you can. Get in LinkedIn and contact people. Have informational interviews and get comfortable with the marketing and advertising world so when you have your interview, you will be a natural. 

Use twitter. Follow accounts of companies you would want to work for. Stay up to date on the industry, build contacts. 

Perfect your resume. There are no formulas on how it should look. Make it look good though and realize that recruiters only spend around eight seconds looking through your resume. Cut out any unnecessary info.

 Be persistent. The third time isn't always the charm.